Prospecting for Clients for Dental, Vision, and Hearing Insurance Sales

If you’re considering selling dental, vision, and hearing (DVH) plans, where would you find leads? You might be surprised to learn that your DVH prospects could already be in your Medicare or under-65 book of business!

DVH insurance is essential to affordable comprehensive health care, but your clients’ coverage could be lacking in DVH benefits. Luckily, these ancillary plans can fill the gaps in coverage and give you opportunities to cross-sell and earn more commissions.

Let’s take a look at how finding clients to sell DVH plans to is easier than you may think.

Think About Medicare Supplement Beneficiaries

Generally, Medicare Supplements do not provide coverage for routine dental or vision services. Your clients with a Med Supp plan may or may not realize this (it’s important you explain this during the time of quoting and enrollment) and that coverage could be something they really want or need. You can touch base with Med Supp beneficiaries already within your book of business and present the option of purchasing DVH insurance through your preferred DVH carriers. Also, be prepared to offer DVH products during enrollment meetings with new clients purchasing Med Supp plans!

Your Med Supp clients may not realize their plan does not provide routine dental or vision services.

Consider Current Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries

Unlike Med Supps, a majority of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans do include some DVH benefits. However, the coverage usually isn’t comprehensive, resulting in your clients being exposed to potentially high out-of-pocket costs for these health care services. Luckily, DVH products can perfectly complement your clients’ MA plans and provide the enhanced coverage they need! Your book of business is just ready and waiting, full of more selling opportunities.

Look Outside of Medicare to ACA Beneficiaries

Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans now include dental coverage for children and will include dental coverage for adults in 2027, however, most plans do not include DVH benefits. If you’re building your Medicare pipeline by selling under-65 insurance, or even if you just focus on ACA sales alone, you have the opportunity to cross-sell DVH coverage to these clients.

By offering supplemental coverage solutions to your ACA clients, they can avoid paying for services out of pocket like routine vision exams, glasses, hearing exams, and more. The additional premium for a supplement plan may seem off-putting to clients at first. But you can lay out cost comparisons of a DVH plan premium against the out-of-pocket cost for paying for health services without coverage. After all, educating clients is one of the most important aspects of being an insurance agent.

Remember DVH Plan Replacement

If you’re already selling in the DVH market, there’s a chance your book of business holds some DVH plan replacement opportunities. It may make sense to recommend a new DVH plan to a client who already has one in place. Whether the reason is lower premiums or better benefits, your clients will certainly appreciate that you’ve taken the time to explore other options that might work better for their specific situation.

Another reason to consider proposing DVH replacements is that ancillary products like DVH insurance can be sold year-round. Unlike selling Medicare products, you won’t be at the mercy of an enrollment period! Additionally, you’ll also open the opportunity to check in with clients you might otherwise only connect with during the Annual Enrollment Period.

It may make sense to recommend a new DVH plan to a client who already has one in place.

Start DVH Conversations

Don’t be shy about bringing up the benefit and possible need of supplemental DVH coverage to your clients. They might not know that their Medicare plan lacks full coverage for DVH services. Also, while fact-finding, keep your ears open for clients who work part-time or within a small company. Part-time employees often are not eligible for insurance benefits and small companies with less than 25 employees aren’t required to offer them.

When you start the conversation regarding DVH insurance, you’ll open the opportunity to not only gain more commissions, but also supply your clients with full, well-rounded health care coverage.

Utilize Integrity’s Technology Solutions

Determining who could really benefit from a supplemental DVH plan can be easier if you use a reliable client relationship management (CRM) system like MedicareCENTER. This platform empowers you to work smarter and more efficiently to take your business to a whole new level. 

Utilize the integrated quoting and enrollment to view the largest selection of MA plans straight from a client’s profile in the CRM for easy e-apps. Side-by-side comparison allows you to quickly guide clients to the best available coverage options. You’ll be able to easily assess if a DVH plan will be beneficial to tack onto your clients’ existing Medicare coverage! 

For clients looking to enroll in a Med Supp, quote and compare this product type using Market AdvisorTM. Powered by another esteemed Integrity partner, CSG Actuarial, this sales tool enables quote comparison and includes prescription drug and pharmacy search and save capabilities.  Within Market AdvisorTM you can also quote ancillary products like dental, vision, final expense, and hospital indemnity!

Also, encourage your clients to create a secure consumer PlanEnroll profile to share and update their data and preferences seamlessly with you. Share this guide to help them get started!

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Selling DVH insurance can benefit you and your clients. The opportunity to sell these plans is right within reach, and with the right tools, you’ll surely be prepared to offer them!

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Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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