How to Organize a Turning 65 Seminar on a Budget

You can’t wait around for potential clients to become eligible for Medicare. If you want a loyal book of business — clients who keep coming back for your services — the work starts before they even turn 65.

One of the best ways to get your name out in the community to future Medicare eligibles is by hosting turning 65 workshops. Check out some budget-friendly ways you can cater to individuals turning 65.

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Setting Up the Seminar

It’s OK if your event budget isn’t that hefty. There are many options to make an T65 event as affordable as possible and still find success! We’ll help you plan your next Medicare seminar, so you can appropriately budget for your event.

Choosing a Venue

When you’re thinking of possible T65 seminar locations, consider venues that already generate a lot of foot traffic. Not only will your attendees most likely be familiar with it, but there’s also a good chance that you can find an event space for little to no cost! For example, a library already serves the purpose of bringing a community together and many have rooms you can rent. Another option is a local community college. While you might not find as many people aging into Medicare walking around on campus, these spaces typically have large rooms and meeting spaces that fit a large group of people.

Check out some restaurants that have separate rooms or areas for hosting larger parties. Some examples are Denny’s, IHOP, and Olive Garden. Since these are popular chains, there’s likely one in your area! Many senior living locations would also be able to host the event and possibly even provide refreshments.

Factoring Costs

Seminars will typically cost around $1,000 to $1,500 per campaign with the possibility to meet with clients over multiple days. While it may seem pricey, putting the time and effort into meeting with potential clients is a good way to gain high-quality leads who will continue to trust and value you as their agent! A typical direct mail campaign costs money for each individual contact, and there’s no guarantee that you will even be able to interact with the person. Those attending a seminar are more likely to create an appointment after seeing you in action!

Individuals attending a seminar are more likely to create an appointment after seeing you in action!

You can also check out some of our event materials on and distribute them during the presentation! Our booklet on “Your Roadmap to Medicare” explains all of the different plans and products to choose and which might be best for each individual. You can even customize it with your logo!

Agents must register with Ritter and have at least one active contract through Ritter to purchase marketing materials on Orders will be rejected if both requirements are not met.

Marketing the Event

Getting the word out doesn’t have to be a pain! There are many budget-friendly companies that do almost everything for you.

Choosing a Marketing Partner

A company that follows a turnkey process, for example, can dramatically cut down your work. These service providers send invitations through mail, email, and text, as well as manage RSVPs. They also send reminders and provide a professional feel for consumers.

A company that follows a turnkey process, for example, can dramatically cut down your work.

ReminderMedia is a great partner for promoting your event! Their marketing materials are customizable and include your photo, logo, and contact information. This can make your communication even more meaningful and can lead to a higher response rate.

Another option is Financial Seminar Services if you want to upgrade your marketing materials. They specialize in seminar marketing for insurance professionals, and they understand just how important it is to get people excited for your event.

It would also make sense to partner with senior-focused businesses like a senior aide, so both parties can benefit from marketing their services in the same effort. Splitting marketing costs would be beneficial for both parties. Many times, investment and retirement planners will pay for the marketing if it’s also a business opportunity for them.

Grassroots Marketing

Especially for those with a lower budget, taking a grassroots approach to marketing is one of the most effective ways to, not only make people aware of your event, but also, see you as a trustworthy agent.

This type of marketing involves forming relationships with community members — both clients and other professionals — by going out into public spaces where you could find prospective clients. Not only can you find people to attend your event, but you will also gain trust within the community.

Have you ever volunteered at your local soup kitchen or nearby retirement communities? Visited a community center or low-income housing area? Building relationships becomes much easier once you make yourself accessible. Try some of these other strategies as well:

  • Placing flyers or business cards on bulletin boards outside local businesses or flea markets
  • Setting up a booth at community events
  • Forming relationships with churches and non-profit organizations

Once you place yourself in the community, people will start recognizing you as someone they can trust and want to refer to family and friends.

Staying Compliant

Following all of the rules surrounding Medicare can seem intimidating, but we’re here to help you make sense of it all! Not only will you stay out of trouble, but your prospects will feel especially comfortable at the event.

Permission to Contact & TPMO Rules

Before you begin a conversation with a potential enrollee, you need to make sure you obtain Permission to Contact (PTC). Ritter has marketing materials to help you with this process! If you decide to use a third party instead, you and the company must follow all third-party marketing organization (TPMO) requirements including, but not limited to:

  • Add the TPMO disclaimer, verbatim, to all of your marketing materials, including print and TV ads.
  • Disclose to the beneficiary when conducting lead-generating activities that his or her information will be provided to a licensed insurance agent for future contact:
    • Verbally when communicating with a beneficiary through the telephone.
    • In writing when communicating with a beneficiary through mail or other paper communication.
    • Electronically when communicating with a beneficiary through email, online chat, or other electronic messaging platform.
  • Revise your existing written agreements with all of your TPMOs (vendors, contractors, and subcontractors for marketing, sales, lead generation, and enrollment) to require your TPMOs to be compliant with TPMO requirements.
  • Enter into written agreements with all of your TPMOs (vendors, contractors, and subcontractors for marketing, sales, lead generation, and enrollment) with whom you have relationships but do not have written agreements that require the TPMOs to be compliant with TPMO requirements.
  • Disclose to Ritter and/or carriers of any subcontracted relationships (such as the use of a third-party lead-generation company) used for marketing, lead generation, and enrollment.

Event Restrictions

Hosting an event is a great way to get leads, but since a turning 65 seminar is technically an educational event, there are some rules to be aware of. First, you need to make sure your seminar is explicitly marketed as “educational.” The invitations must include the following disclaimers, in addition to the TPMO disclaimer:

  • “For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call [insert phone and TTY number].”
  • “This event is only for educational purposes and no plan-specific benefits or details will be shared.”

Read all of our educational event do’s and don’ts

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It’s always worth it to help potential clients make sense of their Medicare options in person, and the return on investment is well worth it! Hosting an event shows people you are willing to make the effort to prioritize their care and, ultimately, leads to richer, long-term connections.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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