Assessing Needs to Recommend a Plan
Learning to Sell | Lesson 9

Next Steps

Navigating health insurance options can be confusing. Especially when it comes to Medicare!

That’s why your role as an insurance advisor is so important.

Through this module, you’ve learned the key considerations to review with your clients to help find the right Medicare plan for them.

By reviewing these considerations with your clients, you’ll be on your way to doing right by your client and building a strong book of business.

Of course, there is much more that can be said about finding the specific plan for your client and ensuring coverage for unmet needs.

So, if you’re looking for more sales strategies, head back to the Knight School homepage to start your next module!

Mentioned in this Module:

Prescription Drug Search Plan:

More Modules You Might Like:

Cross-Sell to Fill Coverage Gaps or Unmet Needs:

Additional Resources:

Agent Survival Guide Podcast
Medicare Quote Engine
Meet the Sales Team at Ritter Insurance Marketing PlanEnroll Information
Register with Ritter Insurance Marketing
Ritter Blog
The Ritter Platform
Ritter Events & Webinars

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